LIDOtips - Homemade SPA Retreat
A SPA retreat might sound utopic at the moment… But it doesn’t mean it’s impossible!
As we are gently reaching the end of the year, a year that has been filled with emotional rollercoasters... We thought we’d gather here for you some LIDOtips to relax and take care of yourself at home, or wherever you find yourself. This time is yours, so make it count!
DIY Face Mask
With the simplest of pantry products you can make an amazing charcoal mask that will clear the impurities from your skin and leave you looking brighter. Check out our DIY face mask recipe here.
DIY Hair Mask
Olive oil hair masks have been used for thousands of years and are generally hailed for their moisturizing effect. Other benefits can include shinier and softer hair, and reduced damage. Want beautiful hair in no time? Find our homemade Hair Mask here.
As you might already know, the discovery of bathing benefits is not so recent… It goes back to Ancient times, actually. When Greeks and Romans discovered that to maintain a healthy lifestyle free form disease, one needed to exercise and stay clean. Our ancestors had already seen it coming, but so little did they know then about all the other great benefits of bathing. Indeed, its advantages are countless: improving blood flow, breathing and the immunity system; alleviating bone, muscle, and joint pain; cleaning and moisturizing skin; or calming the nervous system.
To make long story short, a SPA retreat wouldn't be "legit" without a nice relaxing bath! So here are some of our current favorite products to make it memorable!
Belle Luce Bath Salt Relaxation
DIY Body Scrub
Scrubs help remove dead cells that have accumulated on the surface of the epidermis while promoting better oxygenation of the skin and stimulating micro-circulation. Perfect after your bath ;) Try our homemade recipe, here.
Because a SPA retreat means quiet, doesn’t mean you need to necessarily spend your entire day (or few days) in complete silence! With this in mind, we have gathered here some of our favorite songs to chill to on a “me” day.
Yoga & Meditation
Yoga is the alignment of the mind, body and soul. Yoga is a great practice to include in your daily life. It can be practiced at any age and requires no skills.
In practicing Yoga, your health will improve and allow you to grow spiritually and physically.
Meditation is a part of the yoga practice, which deals with mental relaxation. Here, thoughtfulness is absorbed on mental well-being and breathing exercises.
We will be launching some meditative yoga sessions soon on the blog, so stay tuned!