LIDOtips - Cumin
Cumin has a wonderful scent and flavor, and is a great addition to any and all dishes.
Beyond it’s culinary prowess, this spice has many health virtues, mostly focused on digestion and immunity.
First and foremost, cumin is well known for its’ antioxidant properties. These keep you feeling energized and your skin fresh and clear. Its’ most active ingredients are anti-inflammatory, and cumin seeds have been shown to also help reduce pain.
It is also being studied for its’ anti carcinogenic properties. Initial studies show that it has been linked with stopping cancerous cells from multiplying. Research however is ongoing.
We now come to its’ most well known use: all things digestive! In Northern Africa, mother add a little cumin to water to help young children with stomach complaints. It is also very effective for treating adults with diarrhea. Other research has found it to be just as effective as any over the counter IBS medication, when it comes to relieving painful symptoms.
It has very little risk attached to its’ intake, but like with all things, consume it in moderation!
Top Tip: Add a little cumin to the water when cooking legumes, as it makes them less gassy.
** DISCLAIMER ** Please remember to discuss any new supplements with your doctor, particularly if you are currently taking any other medication.