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Positive Energy Flow Exercise

Positive Energy Flow Exercise


Physical contact is one of the first senses that we experience, as soon as we are born. No wonder why babies are comforted in their mother's arms. And how later, even as adults, a warm hug can do wonders to calm us down and cheer us up.

Try the following exercise to help renew your flow of positive energy, in order to rebuild confidence in yourself and feel more serene.

  • With your partner, a sibling or a close friend, sit comfortably on the floor across from one another

  • Close your eyes and imagine that you are filled with positive energy, flowing extremely fast in your body. You can even visualize this energy as a shining light moving through your body

  • Press your hands against the ones of the person across from you and imagine this flow passing from your palms through the theirs.

  • Feel the invigorating heat that is produced from the contact of your palms touching

  • Interlock your fingers and squeeze their hands gently for a few seconds, as your imagine that this positive, shingin energy, is cleansing your body of all negativity and fears

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