LIDOfit - Stretching Sequence
Working out is important, but never neglect to stretch properly.
Sometimes a good stretch is just as good as a solid workout. Let’s start the year out by giving our bodies a little TLC. This sequence will wring you out from your head to your toes. Do this on its’ own or after one of the many workouts on the blog.
Shoulder shrugs
The set up - standing straight, with your feet hips width apart, scrunch your shoulders up to your ears and release fully down. Repeat a few times to release tension in your shoulders.Forward fold
The set up - you fold over to bring your stomach to your thighs, bending your knees as much as you need to to get there comfortably. Wrap your arms around your calves. Head is hanging down, and shoulders are relaxed.Lying twist
The set up - lying on your back, bring your right knee in to your chest, keeping your left long, resting on the floor. Using your left hand, gently pull your right knee across your body, turning your head to the right.
Repeat on the other side.Lizard Pose
The set up - From a downward facing dog, exhale your right foot forward, to the outside of your hands. Your toes should be aligned with the tips of your fingers, and your knee at a 90 degree angle, ankle and knee aligned. Inhale as your bring your elbows to the floor. Exhale as you press into your left heel to keep your leg activated
Move into this slowly. If you need to start with your back knee on the floor that is fine as well. You can use a block under your forearms.Repeat on the other side.
Runner’s lunge twist
The set up - from a downward facing dog, set your right foot between your hands. Keeping your left hand down, raise your right arm, opining your chest. Lift your gaze to your fingertips.
Repeat on the left side.Arm behind back stretch
The set up - Stand in mountain pose, with your feet together and big toes touching. Your back is straight and your tailbone tucked in. Lengthening through the crown of your head, making sure to keep your shoulders down.
Take your left arm behind you and place the back of the hand in the middle of your back (or as high as you can without having to arch your back). Raising your right arm and bending your elbow, move your right hand down with your palm facing your body, so that the fingers from both hands interlink behind your back (or as close as they can get) with both elbows pointing in the opposite directions. You can open your right armpit to allow your chest to open.
Hold this position for five breaths, making sure that your shoulders stay down and that you relax your arms and upper body on each exhale.Repeat on the other side.
** DISCLAIMER ** Please always ask your doctor for advice if you are unsure if you can practice any of these poses. Please speak to your doctor before embarking on a new exercise regime. We can take no responsibility for any injuries incurred when practicing these poses.
Remember to take this slow and not push yourself to a point at which your are no longer comfortable.